Crops the display of a selected PDF underlay to a specified boundary.
The clipping boundary determines the portion of an image outside the boundary that is hidden. The visibility of the clipping boundary is controlled by the PDFFRAME and FRAME system variables.
The boundary you specify must be in a plane parallel to the PDF underlay.
The following prompts are displayed.
Turns on clipping and displays the PDF underlay clipped to the previously defined boundary.
Turns off clipping and displays the entire PDF underlay and frame.
If you re-clip the PDF underlay while clipping is turned off, clipping is automatically turned back on. You are prompted to delete the old boundary even when clipping is turned off and the clipping boundary is not visible.
Removes a predefined clipping boundary and displays the full original underlay.
Defines a rectangular or polygonal clipping boundary, or generates a polygonal clipping boundary from a polyline.
Defines the boundary with the selected polyline. The polyline can be open but must consist of straight line segments and cannot intersect itself.
Defines a polygonal clipping boundary with three or more points that you specify for the vertices of a polygon.
Defines a rectangular boundary with the points that you specify for opposite corners.
Inverts the mode of the clipping boundary: objects are clipped either outside the boundary or inside the boundary.