Stores solids in an ASCII or binary file.
The FACETRES system variable determines how the solid is triangulated. A higher value creates a finer mesh that more accurately represents the model. This also results in a much larger file.
Select solids or watertight meshes
You can select blocks or external references (xrefs) that contain solids or watertight meshes. Only solids and watertight meshes of the selected blocks of xrefs are included in the STL file. All other geometry is discarded.
Create a binary STL file? [Yes/No] <Yes>: To create a STL file, enter y or press Enter. To create an ASCII file, enter n
The Create STL File dialog box displays.
The file is created with the .stl file name extension. The STL file format is compatible with stereolithography apparatus (SLA). The solid data is transferred to the SLA as a faceted representation of the model. The facets consist of a set of triangles (with outward pointing normals) that approximate the faces of the model. From the faceted data, the SLA workstation produces a set of contours that defines a series of layers representing the part to be built.