To Work With Adaptive Degradation

Adaptive degradation is a way to control performance of effects as you use them.

To enable Adaptive Degradation and Performance Tuning Dialog Box

  1. Right-click in the drawing area, and choose Preferences.
  2. On the General tab, under adaptive Degradation, select Automatically decrease display quality to improve performance.
  3. Note: Controls whether adaptive degradation is on or off. With adaptive degradation on, if performance goes below a specified level, effects are disabled or reduced to maintain an acceptable level of performance.

Set the Performance Level for Adaptive Degradation

  1. Enter -3dconfig at the Command prompt to use this command.
  2. Select Acceleration from the options shown in the command prompt.

    This specifies whether to use software or hardware acceleration in 3D.

  3. Select hardware to set the required options.