Trims portions of a surface where it meets another surface or type of geometry.
Tool Sets:
.Trims portions of a surface where it meets or bisects a curve, region, or another surface.
If the SURFACEASSOCIATIVITY system variable is set to 1, the trimmed surface updates whenever the trimming edges are modified.
The following prompts are displayed.
Select one or more surfaces or regions to trim.
The curves that can be used as a trimming edge includes lines, arc, circles, ellipses, 2D polylines, 2D spline fit polylines, 2D curve fit polylines, 3D polylines, 3D spline-fit polylines, splines, and helixes. You can also use surfaces and regions as trimming boundaries.
Select one or more regions on a surface to remove.
Controls whether the cutting surface is trimmed to meet the edge of the trimmed surface.
The cutting geometry is projected onto the surface. Controls the projection angle as follows:
Automatic |
View | Projects the geometry based on the current view. |
UCS | Projects the geometry in the +Z and -Z axis of the current UCS. |
None | The surface will only be trimmed if the cutting curve lies on the surface. |