To Hatch or Fill Objects or Areas

  1. Click Drafting tab > Hatch panel > Hatch.
  2. On the Hatch visor Hatch Type list, select the type of hatch you want to use.
  3. Click a hatch pattern or fill.
  4. On the Boundaries panel, specify the how the pattern boundary is selected:
    • Pick Points. Inserts the hatch or fill within a closed area that is bounded by one or more objects. With this method, you click within the boundaries to specify the area.
    • Select Boundary Objects. Inserts the hatch or boundary within a closed object, such as a circle.

    The last-used selection method is retained until you change it.

  5. Click an area or object to be hatched.
  6. On the Hatch visor, make any adjustments as needed:
  7. Press Enter to apply the hatch and exit the command.
Note: Enclosed areas can be hatched only if they are in a plane parallel to the XY plane of the current UCS.