Attach a PDF underlay from the command line.
When you attach a PDF file as an underlay, you link that referenced file to the current drawing. Any changes to the referenced file are displayed in the current drawing when it is opened or reloaded.
The following prompts are displayed.
Enters the full path name to the PDF underlay file.
Entering a tilde (~) displays the Select PDF File dialog box (a standard file selection dialog box).
To avoid errors when entering a file name, it is recommended that you specify both the PDF file and path as follows:
path name/filename.pdf
“path name/filename.pdf”
If you enter a valid PDF file name without a file extension, the program adds the extension and searches for the file.
Enter a page number. For a list of pages, enter ?.
Lists the pages available in the selected PDF file.
Specifies the insertion point for the selected PDF file.
Specifies the scale factor of the selected PDF underlay and the scale factor units.
If INSUNITS is set to “unitless” or if the underlay does not contain resolution information, the scale factor becomes the underlay width in AutoCAD units. If INSUNITS has a value such as millimeters, centimeters, inches, or feet, and the underlay has resolution information, the scale factor is applied after the true width of the underlay in AutoCAD units is determined.
Specifies the rotation angle of the selected PDF underlay.