Sets running object snap modes.
The Object Snap tab of the Drafting Settings dialog box is displayed.
If you enter -osnap at the Command prompt, the following prompts are displayed.
Current osnap modes: current
Enter list of object snap modes: Enter names of object snap modes separated with commas, or enter none or off
Specify one or more object snap modes by entering the first three characters of the name. If you enter more than one name, separate the names with commas.
ENDpoint |
CENter |
TANgent |
MIDpoint |
NODe |
NEArest |
INTersection |
QUAdrant |
PARallel |
EXTension |
INSertion |
APParent Intersection |
PERpendicular |
For a description of each of these object snap modes, see the Object Snaps tab of the Drafting Settings dialog box.
Snaps to the first snap point found. Quick must be used in conjunction with other object snap modes.
Turns off object snap modes.