Markup Import and Markup Assist use machine learning to identify markups and provide a way to view and insert drawing revisions with less manual effort.
Markups can be imported as a PDF, PNG, or JPG and are overlaid on top of your drawing in the Trace workspace. Markups in the imported file are automatically identified as mtext, mleaders, and revision clouds. Markup Assist lets you insert those identified markups into the drawing as geometry.
Use Markup Import to place a marked-up version of your drawing on top of the original file to make it easier to view and incorporate changes to your drawing. For example, if you have a PDF version of your drawing that has text and revision notes added, use Markup Import to overlay the revised drawing on top of the original. Or, if you have a printed version of your drawing that contains hand-written revision notes, you can take a photograph of the printed version and then import it as a JPG or PNG.
The imported file is automatically placed and aligned on top the drawing file in a new trace.
Markup Assist automatically identifies markups as text, leaders, and revision clouds. Click an identified markup, then insert it as an mtext, mleader, or revcloud object. You can edit the text before inserting it, or choose to copy the text to the clipboard.
You can also enter MARKUPIMPORT at the Command prompt.
The markup file can be a digital copy, a photograph, or a scanned version of the original drawing.
Inserting the object adds it to the drawing as geometry.
Markup Assist recognizes text that has been crossed out, and allows you to erase the text or replace the text with text from a markup.
To replace existing text:
To erase existing text:
Text comments that are added to a PDF using Adobe software will display and can be inserted into the drawing as an Mleader or Mtext, or used to update existing text.
To insert text from a PDF text comment:
The Markup Assist dialog box opens.
Use Fade Markup to control the transparency of individual markups. Fade Markup is useful for hiding any markups that you've already inserted, or if there is a markup you want to ignore. Access the FADEMARKUP command from the Trace visor, or from the Markup Assist dialog box. Control the transparency of faded markups in Trace Settings on the Trace visor, or with the TRACEMARKUPFADECTRL system variable.
To unfade a markup that was previously faded, use one of the following methods:
When you use any command that prompts to "Select Objects," you can click the blue highlighted border of a Markup Assist boundary to select all the AutoCAD objects within it. When you click the highlighted border, all objects entirely within the border are added to the selection set.
Markup Assist detects certain instructions in markup text that are linked to commands such as "MOVE," "COPY," or "DELETE." When Markup Assist identifies an instruction, you can click that instruction to start the associated command.
FADEMARKUP - Fades individual markups so they are less visible on a trace.
MARKUPASSIST - Analyzes an imported markup and can help place text callouts and revision clouds faster and with less manual effort.
-MARKUPASSIST - At the Command prompt, analyzes an imported markup and can help place text callouts and revision clouds faster and with less manual effort.
MARKUPIMPORT - Imports a marked up drawing (image/pdf) in-place into your DWG as a new trace.
-MARKUPIMPORT - At the command prompt, imports a marked up drawing (image/pdf) in-place into your DWG as a new trace.
COMMENTHIGHLIGHT - Controls the display of the indicator badge on PDF text comments.
MARKUPASSISTMODE - Controls whether identified markups are highlighted.
MARKUPPAPERDISPLAY - Indicates whether or not a digital markup is currently active.
MARKUPPAPERTRANSPARENCY - Controls the level of transparency when a digital markup is active.
MARKUPSELECTIONMODE - Enables selection using boundary markup assist boxes as criteria.
TRACEMARKUPFADECTL - Controls the transparency of faded markups. The lower the number, the more visible the markup is.
TRACEVPSUPPORT - Controls whether markup boxes are actionable within a currently active model space viewport.