Content Builder is part of AutoCAD MEP 2024 toolset, which is built on AutoCAD®, and uses many of the tools that you may already be familiar with. Content Builder is a unique building environment that enables you to create parametric parts. Therefore, care must be taken to avoid using standard AutoCAD commands. The following tips will help you to create a parametric fitting.
Tips for Modeling the Part
The following items are tips you should keep in mind as you model the parametric part.
- Use work planes to control the UCS orientation. Using the AutoCAD UCS command does not associate the current plane with your part.
- Use the AutoCAD Point Style command to increase point sizes. It is recommended to use an absolute point size.
- Use a minimum number of points. Reusing points is less confusing and helps in constraining the model.
- Use both constraints and dimensions. Some constraint combinations may distort unconstrained features of the model. If so, delete the last constraint and consider using a dimension or a different constraint combination.
- Use Content Builder dimensions. AutoCAD dimensions are not parametric and cannot control the size, shape, or position of part content.
- Dimension large features before small features. To minimize distortion, define larger features that have an overall bearing on the model. Dimensioning small features first may restrict overall size. Delete or undo a dimension if the model shape is distorted.
- Define shape before size. If you apply constraints before dimensions, your model shape is less likely to become distorted.
- Determine model dependencies before applying constraints. A single constraint can often be used to define more than one feature’s shape. Therefore, analyze the model design to help identify necessary constraints.
- Add constraints as needed to define the model shape. Because constraints often restrict more than one feature, use fewer constraints to avoid distorted models.
- When using calculated values for model parameters, be aware that calculated values are not available in the part Add Size filter.