About Basic Properties

Modify the basic properties of a duct using the properties palette.

Basic properties are expanded by default. The properties display the last stored value.

Note: In the following tables, properties related to Flange Connection Type are preceded by an asterisk (*), properties related to Takeoff Fittings are preceded by double asterisks (**), properties related to a flexible ducts are preceded by triple asterisks (***) and are only available when you modify the respective object.
General Description


Describes the object (optional).


Specifies the layer style for the selected object.


Specifies the system definition for the selected object.

Dimensions Description

Routing preference

Specifies the routing preference for the selected duct object.


Specifies the shape for the selected object.


Specifies the size in the routing preference for the selected object. There are different default size parameters, depending on the selected shape.

  • Oval - Width and Height
  • Rectangular - Width and Height
  • Round - Diameter

Duct Calculator

Calculates the sizes of the duct based on the Flow Rate, Friction, Roughness and Density. If the shape is Rectangular or Oval, one Size Parameter has to be fixed to calculate the other one.
Note: For more information, see Duct Size Calculator.

Size lock

Prevents the editing of the nominal size value while you are modifying the duct run.

Sizing Description

Flow Rate

Specify the flow rate of the selected object. The flow rate value is read from the connected MvPart. If there's no MvPart connected, the value will be zero.


Shows the predefined friction of the selected object (Read-only). The value of friction is read from selected duct system.


Specifies the system definition for the selected object.

Cut length

Specifies the reported value of the length of the duct.

Placement Description


Specifies the elevation of the duct object.

Start elevation

End elevation

Specifies the elevation at the starting and ending points of the duct segment.

Start/end elevation on Properties palette

Move attached segments

Lets you specify whether to move the attached duct segments if the location of the selected part has changed (default — Yes).

Additional information

Click to open the Location worksheet.

Note: For more information, see To Modify the Duct or Fitting Location.
Routing Description

*Slope format

Displays the current slope format (not editable).


Specifies the slope value of the current duct segment (not editable).