To Add Annotation to a Schematic Symbol

You can add annotation to the schematic symbol of a parametric MvPart regardless of whether the symbol is parametric or block-based. To add the annotation, you create a multiline text (mtext) object, which the software then uses to create the text block to associate with the symbol.

When the symbol is inserted into a drawing, the text block is inserted as well. If the symbol changes in size, the text block is repositioned to maintain the same relative position.

To add annotation to a parametric or block-based schematic symbol

  1. If necessary, open the MvPart in Content Builder.
  2. In the part browser, expand Modeling, and expand Symbol and Annotation Plane.
  3. Right-click Annotation Text, and click Add Annotation Text.
  4. In the drawing area, specify opposite corners of a bounding box to define the width of the multiline text object.
  5. Use the In-Place Text Editor to enter the annotation text and specify its properties, such as the character height expressed in terms of the drawing units.

    For information on using the In-Place Text Editor, see .

    Tip: If you set the character height of the annotation text in your building systems drawings to 1 unit, you can control the plot size of annotation entirely by the Annotation Plot Size setting on the Scale tab of the Drawing Setup dialog box. For example, if the units for a drawing are inches, and the annotation plot size for the drawing is 3/32”, then setting the annotation text in the drawing to 1” results in a text height of 3/32” for the plotted annotation.
  6. Save your changes, and exit the editor by doing one of the following:
    • Click in the drawing outside the editor.
    • Click OK on the toolbar.
    • Press Ctrl+Enter.

    The software creates the text block and attaches it to the Symbol and Annotation plane. The text block now appears in the part browser under Annotation Text.

  7. If you want the annotation text to remain horizontal regardless of the rotation angle of the part when it is inserted, select the text block, right-click, and click Keep Text Horizontal.

To delete the annotation text block, you can select the block in the drawing area, and press Delete.