About Creating a Custom Pipe Fitting

You can create a custom pipe fitting when the required fitting is not available from the part catalog or you need to match a unique design. You create custom fittings by converting AutoCAD lines, arcs, and polylines into AutoCAD MEP 2024 toolset objects with connectors. Part properties, such as size, shape, and system definition are inherited from the connecting parts to maintain system integrity. Part properties, such as CEL (connector engagement length) and AoD (angle of deflection), are stored with the drawing. Custom fittings are style-based objects that you can access from the Style Manager. Each custom fitting you create represents a single style.

Note: You cannot add custom fittings to a part catalog. If you create a custom fitting to be used multiple times, you can share custom fittings between drawings using the copy and paste functionality.
Note: If any size or shape properties of the segments are incomplete, the software will prompt you that it cannot create the custom fitting.