Moves dimensions on Inventor link drawing views while maintaining their association to the drawing view geometry. You can reattach dimensions to silhouette edges (the point at which a curved surface turns away from the viewer) or to different vertices in a view.



The system can place parametric dimensions on drawing view geometry at the time it creates Inventor link drawing views. Use AMMOVEDIM to move these dimensions within the view or between views, to more clearly annotate your design.

Note: Inventor Link is available only on 64-bit systems, and it is not installed by default.

List of Prompts

The following prompts are displayed.


Flips dimension text. When a dimension is created, if the text is too large to fit between the extension lines it is placed outside them, on one side or the other. This option flips the text to the opposite side of its default placement.

Select dimension
Specifies the dimension to flip.


Moves dimensions on a drawing view to a selected location. Maintains association with the drawing view geometry.

Note: Instead of using AMMOVEDIM, you can select a dimension line and drag it to a new position. However, when you update the drawing view, the dimension may return to its original position.
Select dimension
Specifies the dimension to move.
Location for dimension
Specifies where to move the dimension to.


Attaches a dimension extension line to a point on a part, after the part has moved as a result of an update operation. You can also use this option to move a dimension extension line and reattach it to another point, to eliminate overlaps of dimensions on the edges of the part.

Select extension line
Specifies the extension line to attach.
Select attachment point
Specifies the point to attach to.

Move Multiple

Moves multiple dimensions to a another drawing view.

Select dimensions to move
Specifies the dimensions to move.
Select destination view
Specifies the drawing view to move the dimensions to.