To Display Edges when Interfering Solid Bodies Make Edges Disappear

When one or more solid bodies interfere with each other, during operations like press fits, drawing views can have missing edges. You can calculate and display the interfering edges. However, choose this option only if you know that there are interfering edges in your model as these calculations are time-consuming.

Note: Inventor Link is available only on 64-bit systems, and it is not installed by default.
  1. In the Browser, right-click the drawing view. A menu is displayed.
  2. Click Edit.
  3. In the Edit Drawing View dialog box, select the Hidden Lines tab.
  4. Select the Display Interference Edges option.
  5. Choose OK. AutoCAD Mechanical toolset calculates and displays any interfering edges. Interfering edges take on the edge properties of the part that appears first in the browser.
Note: Interfering edges along with their edge properties are lost when the view is updated and all annotations attached to the interfering edges are orphaned. Plot the view before updating to display the interfering edges in the plot.