Autodesk Inventor Link Error Message Reference

Note: Inventor Link is available only on 64-bit systems, and it is not installed by default.

Browser Highlight Color Coding

When AutoCAD Mechanical toolset detects a condition that requires your attention, it highlights the file name, part nodes, and views on the browser. The color of the highlight indicates the status of the linked Autodesk Inventor document.

Color of highlight



The Autodesk Inventor document is missing or does not contain the assembly or part that was linked originally. A bubble window in the status bar may appear, indicating that the program cannot find the document.


The Autodesk Inventor document has changed. A bubble window in the status bar may appear, indicating that the document is out of date.



Why are you seeing this message?

What you can do


Feature data from derived components is not available in AutoCAD Mechanical toolset. As a result, AMNOTE cannot pick up feature data automatically.

Check with the designer of the Autodesk Inventor Document for feature data.


You have selected a template that has options specific to mechanical structure turned on.

Use a template that does not have these incompatible options turned on.


Only one session of Autodesk Inventor can run at a given time. The version that is currently running is not compatible with the version of AutoCAD Mechanical toolset you are running.

Close Autodesk Inventor.

If the message persists, use task manager to check for sessions that have not terminated completely and end them.


The file you are trying to connect to may not be a valid Autodesk Inventor document.

Use Autodesk Inventor to verify the status of the file.


AutoCAD Mechanical toolset has no equivalent for MAX tolerances. The program treats dimensions set to MAX tolerance as dimensions with no tolerance.

Contact the designer of the Autodesk Inventor document for tolerance values. If appropriate, you may override tolerance values from AutoCAD Mechanical toolset.


AutoCAD Mechanical toolset has no equivalent for MIN tolerances. The program treats dimensions set to MIN tolerance as dimensions with no tolerance.

Contact the designer of the Autodesk Inventor document for tolerance values. If appropriate, you may override tolerance values from AutoCAD Mechanical toolset.


Some parts do not contain nominal dimensions and the program may not draw them to scale.

Contact the designer of the Autodesk Inventor model to identify the parts containing non-nominal dimensions. If appropriate, request for a file with nominal dimensions.


You must close all Autodesk Inventor documents when you change the active project file.

If Autodesk Inventor is currently running, close the application. If an Autodesk Inventor linked drawing is open, close it as well.

If the message persists, use Task Manager to check for sessions that have not terminated completely and end them.


Autodesk Inventor link support files may not exist or may have been overwritten by a subsequent installation.

Install a compatible version of Autodesk Inventor or install Autodesk Inventor link support files.


The Autodesk Inventor link does not support assembly features. The document you attempted to link to contained assembly features, so the program could not open it.


The Autodesk Inventor link is unable to find the part files for the assembly in the last known location. AutoCAD Mechanical toolset can locate part files using the project (.ipj) file corresponding to the assembly file.

Use the AMIVPROJECT command to set the correct .ipj file or copy all the inventor files to the folder containing the linked drawing.


The unit type used for the standard/template you chose to create the Inventor linked drawing is different to the unit type used to create the Autodesk Inventor document.

Create a new Inventor linked drawing using a standard with the correct unit type.


One of the file you are linking to contains virtual components. The Autodesk Inventor link does not support virtual components.

Click OK. The program creates an Autodesk Inventor linked drawing, but the drawing contains no virtual components.