General Tab (Vector Separation Options Dialog Box)

Use this tab to automatically assign layer and polyline width values to the vectors created by vectorization tools based on the pixel width of the underlying raster. For more information, see General Vector Separation Options.

Width Table

Use Width Table

Assigns layer and polyline width values to vectors based on the width of the underlying raster.

Insert Below

Inserts a new row below the selected row in the Width Table.

Insert Above

Inserts a new row above the selected row in the Width Table.


Deletes the selected row in the Width Table.

Query Width

Displays the width of an entity you select in pixels and AutoCAD units.

Non-Continuous Entities

Override Width Table For Non-Continuous Entities

Overrides the Width Table and assign default values to non-continuous lines.


Assigns a default layer value to non-continuous lines.

Polyline Width

Assigns a default polyline width value to non-continuous lines.



Assigns a default layer value to entities that do not fall into ranges specified in the Width Table.

Polyline Width

Specifies a default polyline width value to entities that do not fall into ranges specified in the Width Table.


Imports vector separation settings. Vector separation files have a .vs extension.


Exports vector separation settings. Vector separation files have a .vs extension.

Save As Default

Assigns the current vector separation settings the default values. The Default.vs file is stored in your CO2000I folder if AutoCAD Raster Design toolset is installed locally. If AutoCAD Raster Design toolset is installed as a network deployment, the Default.vs file is stored in your local config folder.