Exercise S4: Using REM Operations Tools

In this exercise you use REM Operations tools to correct imperfections in scanned bitonal drawings.

Related Exercise

Before doing this exercise, ensure that AutoCAD Raster Design toolset options are set as described in the exercise Exercise A1: Setting AutoCAD Raster Design Toolset Options.


  1. In the ..\Program Files\Autodesk\ApplicationPlugins\RasterDesign2024.Bundle\Contents\Tutorials\Tutorial2 folder, open the drawing file Scanned_07.dwg.

    Note that several of the lines in the drawing overshoot (extend beyond) their intersection and require trimming. Others undershoot and must be extended to form a proper intersection.

    Trim Lines

  2. On the ribbon, click Raster Tools tab REM panel Create Primitive drop-down menu Line .
  3. Click a line that you want to trim (shorten). A REM line is created over the raster line.
  4. Right-click and click Repeat ISLINE. Click another line that you want to trim.
  5. Use the Repeat Line command again to create a “cutting edge” for each REM line to be trimmed. The cutting edge in this case is an intersecting raster line where the trimmed line will end. In other contexts, you can use a vector line as a cutting edge.
  6. On the ribbon, click Raster Tools tab REM panel (expanded) Trim .
  7. Click one or more cutting edges, then right-click to end the selection process.
  8. Click the ends of the lines that you want to remove (trim). They are deleted along with the underlying raster.
  9. Right-click and click Enter to end the command.
  10. On the ribbon, click Raster Tools tab REM panel Merge To Raster Image .
  11. Click the REM lines that you want to convert to raster data, then right-click to end the selection process.
  12. Right-click, then click REM Clear All. The REM lines are deleted, leaving the edited raster data.

    Extend Lines

  13. On the ribbon, click Raster Tools tab REM panel Create Primitive drop-down menu Line .
  14. Click a line that you want to extend.
  15. Right-click and click Repeat ISLINE. Click another line that you want to extend.
  16. For each line that you want to extend, create a REM line on the other side of the gap to act as a boundary edge (endpoint) for the extended line.
  17. On the ribbon, click Raster Tools tab REM panel (expanded) Extend .
  18. Click the boundary edge for the extended line, then right-click to end the selection process.
  19. Click the object that you want to extend. It is extended.
  20. Right-click and click Enter to end the command.
  21. On the ribbon, click Raster Tools tab REM panel Merge To Raster Image .
  22. Click the REM lines that you want to convert to raster data, then right-click to end the selection process.
  23. Right-click, then click REM Clear All. The REM lines are deleted, leaving the edited raster data.

    Create a Corner Fillet

  24. On the ribbon, click View tab Named Views panel View Manager . Then expand the Model Views node and select the view named Fillet View, click Set Current, and click OK. You see a corner fillet that needs repair.
  25. On the ribbon, click Raster Tools tab REM panel Create Primitive drop-down menu Line .
  26. Click one of the lines that extends toward the corner fillet.
  27. Right click and click Repeat ISLINE. Click the other line that extends toward the corner.
  28. On the ribbon, click Raster Tools tab REM panel (expanded) Fillet .
  29. To create a rounded corner, enter r, then specify the radius by drawing a line or entering a numeric value.
  30. Click one of the two lines that extend toward the corner.
  31. Click the other line that extends toward the corner. The corner is created.
  32. On the ribbon, click Raster Tools tab REM panel Merge To Raster Image .
  33. Click the REM lines that you want to convert to raster data, then right-click to end the selection process.
  34. Right-click, then click REM Clear All. The REM lines are deleted, leaving the edited raster data.

    Offset a Line

  35. On the ribbon, click Raster Tools tab REM panel Create Primitive drop-down menu Line .
  36. Click a line that you want to copy and offset. The line is converted to a REM line.
  37. On the ribbon, click Raster Tools tab REM panel (expanded) Offset .
  38. Click the REM line that you want to offset.
  39. Click and drag a line perpendicular to the REM line to specify the offset distance, then click to specify an endpoint.
  40. Click the REM line to offset, then click on the side of the line where you want the offset line. The offset line is drawn.
  41. Further exploration: Offset a circle. Select named view Circle-A and convert the existing circle to a REM object, then use the Offset command to create a larger concentric circle.
  42. Keep the drawing open and continue with the next exercise, Exercise S5: Using Touchup Tools, or close the drawing without saving changes.