Use this tab to adjust the brightness and contrast of color and grayscale images.
You can move the slider to the right to increase the brightness or the left to decrease brightness.
In color images, increasing brightness causes colors to become lighter shades. In grayscale images, increasing brightness causes more grays to become white.
In color images, decreasing brightness causes colors to become darker. In grayscale images, decreasing brightness causes more grays to become black.
You can move the slider to the right to decrease the tonal gradation or to the left to increase the tonal gradation between the highlights, midtones, and shadows in an image.
When contrast is increased to an extreme in a grayscale image, the shades of gray can be polarized to just black and white. In a color image, an extreme increase in contrast causes the selected color channel to become more prominent. For example, if the selected color channel is red, then more shades of red appear in the image.
Specifies the color channel to change in a color image. For a grayscale image, you can change only RGB, which represents the gray channel.
Displays an index for a shade of the color channel that is currently selected.
When you place your pointer over a bar in the histogram, the Index value displays the intensity of the shade that the bar represents (0 to 255).
Display a frequency value for a shade of the color channel that is currently selected.
When you place your pointer over a bar in the histogram, the Freq value displays the number of pixels in the image that are the shade that the bar represents.
If you selected a grayscale image, then this value represents the number of pixels that are the shade that corresponds to the bar.
If you selected a color image, and you choose a color channel, then the frequency value represents the number of pixels that are the shade of the selected color channel.
Displays palette options for sub-regions associated with an Index Color (8-bit) image:
Changes the color values in the image file and generates a new histogram that reflects the changes.
Resets the brightness and contrast on all of the color channels to zero.
Displays a preview of the image showing the modifications.
Click an image name to view the preview for that image. Histogram changes apply to all images you have selected, not just to the image that is currently previewed.
This preview does not show any display-only adjustments you may have made to the image using the AutoCAD IMAGEADJUST command. If you apply changes to the image using the Histogram, then all display-only adjustments are reset to the defaults.