Exercise S2: Cleaning Up Images Using Despeckle

In this exercise you use Despeckle to clean up raster images and to remove scanning artifacts from an image.

Despeckle removes speckles and spots on images scanned from dirty or faded drawings. You can apply the Despeckle utility to the entire image or to a small region.

Related Exercises

Before doing this exercise, ensure that AutoCAD Raster Design toolset options are set as described in the exercise Exercise A1: Setting AutoCAD Raster Design Toolset Options.


Open the drawing file for this exercise

  1. In the ..\Program Files\Autodesk\ApplicationPlugins\RasterDesign2024.Bundle\Contents\Tutorials\Tutorial2 folder, open the drawing file Scanned_03.dwg.

    Remove speckles from the image

  2. On the ribbon, click View tab Named Views panel View Manager . Then expand the Model Views node and select the view named TU_speckles, click Set Current, and click OK.

    This example shows an area of the image that contains many speckles.

  3. On the ribbon, click Raster Tools tab Edit panel Cleanup drop-down menu Despeckle . Note on the command line that you can use various methods to define image sub-regions to apply Despeckle. In this case, choose the option to despeckle the entire image by pressing Enter.

    A command prompt gives you options for determining the size of speckles to remove.

  4. Enter p for Pick and select a speckle that could represent the largest size to be removed. Note the size detected is somewhat less than 0.50 AutoCAD units.
  5. Enter r for Respecify and then enter u for Size in Units. When prompted for a speckle size, enter a value .381.

    A speckle size of 0.3810 is suitable for this image. If the speckle size is too large, Despeckle removes raster data that is actually part of the drawing, such as decimal points in dimensions. However, the Despeckle process also allows you to prevent such speckles from being removed.

    A preview displays the highlighted speckles that are about to be removed. If you want to prevent any of these from being removed (such as the colon in 1:20), simply pick a speckle to de-select it. Note that you can also use the Window or Polygon option to de-select speckles inside a rectangle or polygon.

  6. Press Enter to remove the highlighted speckles and then press Esc to exit the command.
  7. Close the drawing without saving changes.