To Use the Insertion Wizard

  1. In the Insert Options section of the Insert Image dialog box, select Insertion Wizard.
  2. After you have selected an insert option and image file name, click Open.
  3. If applicable, choose a color map for the image.
  4. On the Pick Correlation Source panel, select a correlation source and review the displayed correlation settings.

    For correlation sources other than Image Default and Image File, the full path for the listed source is displayed for you to verify that the proper correlation file is being read. If you find that the desired correlation source is not available, you should cancel the insertion process and set the correlation path in the Raster Design Options dialog box, or copy the correlation file to a new folder.

  5. Click Next. The Modify Correlation Values panel is displayed.

    Modify correlation values

  6. On the Modify tab, in the Modify Correlation Values area, enter any required changes to the location of the insertion point, rotation, or scale.

    The insertion point is the lower left corner of the image in the drawing.

    The scale value represents the ratio of AutoCAD units to the scanned image units. A scale factor greater than 1 enlarges the image; a value less than 1 shrinks the image.

  7. Optionally choose new units of measurement from the Image Units list.

    For example, if your image was scanned at 300 dpi, choose Inch as the density units. If density information was stored with the correlation source you selected, you cannot change this value.

  8. Click Next.

    If the Transform panel is displayed, complete step 9 to 14; otherwise go to step 15.

    Transform coordinate system

  9. Compare the coordinate systems of the image and of the current drawing, as displayed on the Transform panel. If the two coordinate systems do not match, you should perform a coordinate transformation on the image to position it properly in the drawing.
  10. To convert the image coordinate system, select the Transform to Drawing’s Coordinate System check box; otherwise, go to step 14. If you are transforming the image, select the appropriate Transform Type:
    • True (pixel by pixel): produces the most accurate results.
    • 4-Point Rubbersheet: approximate transformation, most accurate near the control points.
    • 3-Point Affine: replicates the transformation performed by FDO Connect.
  11. If known, enter the code for the image coordinate system, then go to step 14.
  12. Choose the coordinate system category used in your image from the list at the top of the dialog box.
  13. Choose the coordinate system used in your image from the Coordinate Systems in Category list.
  14. Click Next. The Insertion panel is displayed.

    Change AutoCAD insertion values

  15. Optionally, to change correlation values, do one of the following:
    • To specify numeric values, type coordinates in the X, Y, and Z boxes to identify the insertion point in the drawing, and type any required changes to the rotation and scale values.
    • to specify the insertion point (lower left corner), rotation, and scale on the screen, click the Pick button. The Pick button is dimmed if a coordinate transformation has been applied. For more information, go to Adjusting the Image Frame Before Insertion.

      The AutoCAD Raster Design toolset Insertion Wizard is modeless, which means you can leave the wizard open on your desktop and continue to grip-edit the image frame during correlation. Any grip editing changes that you make to the image frame are reflected immediately in the Insertion Values dialog box.

  16. Optionally, to change the color of the image frame, under Color, click Select.
    Note: Inserting a bitonal image changes the foreground color. When you insert a bitonal image, AutoCAD Raster Design toolset first looks for the foreground color in the correlation source specified. If it cannot find the color information, the foreground color defaults to current color.
  17. Click Finish. The image is inserted into the drawing.