To Recognize and Convert Text in a Drawing

Note: This procedure assumes that you have adjusted text recognition settings for the drawing. For more information, see Entering Settings for Text Recognition.
  1. Do one of the following:
    • On the ribbon, click Raster Tools tab Vectorize & Recognize Text panel OCR drop-down menu Recognize Text.
    • On the ribbon, click Raster Tools tab Vectorize & Recognize Text panel OCR drop-down menu Recognize Table.
  2. On the left side of the text or table that you want to convert, specify the first corner point for the rectangle or polygon that will enclose the text area.
  3. Specify an angle at the command line. If the area of text to be recognized is horizontal, enter 0. If the area of text is angled, pick a second point to specify the angle in the drawing, or enter the numeric value at the command line.
    Note: The program maintains the angle you establish as a default, until you enter a new angle.
  4. Click OK. The Verify Text window is displayed. A progress bar displays at the bottom of the window as the recognition is taking place.
  5. Review the recognized raster text in the View window using options on the View window toolbar. For more information, see View Window Options.
  6. Review the recognition results in the Edit pane using the options on the Edit pane toolbar. For more information, see Edit Pane Options.
  7. Edit the recognized text in the Edit pane. Click the Find Next button to display suspect words or rejected characters. Rejected characters can be caused by speckles or badly formed letters in the text.
  8. To replace a suspect word, select a word from the Change To list or type the correct word in the Change To box and click Replace.
    Note: Replacing a rejected character may require copying and pasting a special character from the Windows Character Map. From the Start button, click Windows Accessories Character Map. Select a character and click Copy. Paste the character from the map into the Edit pane in the Verify Text window.
    Tip: Click Add To Dictionary to add specific words or acronyms to the Recognition dictionary. At the end of the command you are prompted to save these words to the AutoCAD user dictionary.
  9. Select the text style from the AutoCAD style list to be used when the text is inserted into the drawing.
  10. Select Text or Mtext in the Output To list, to determine how the verified text is inserted into the drawing.
  11. In the Justify list, select the justification (alignment) for the text when it is inserted into the drawing.
  12. Optionally, click Setup to change settings in the Text Recognition Setup dialog box.
    Note: Use the UNDO command if you are not satisfied with the new text in the drawing.
  13. Optionally, click Export to save the file as a text file.
    Tip: Printed copy of the recognized raster text can be useful for reviews and hard copy edits.
  14. Click OK to insert the AutoCAD text or Mtext into the drawing.