In this exercise you create REM primitive objects from raster data in bitonal images.
You can create line, arc, or circle primitives. You can also use Smart Pick to click a raster entity and let AutoCAD Raster Design toolset determine whether to create a primitive line, arc, or circle.
In this exercise, you create different primitive objects and operate on them using various methods to better understand how AutoCAD Raster Design toolset applies the commands to different REM primitive entities.
Before doing this exercise, ensure that AutoCAD Raster Design toolset options are set as described in the exercise Exercise A1: Setting AutoCAD Raster Design Toolset Options.
Define REM line, arc, and circle primitives
AutoCAD Raster Design toolset defines the line as a REM primitive.
AutoCAD Raster Design toolset defines the circle as a REM primitive. The line you selected in the previous step remains defined.
AutoCAD Raster Design toolset defines the arc as a REM primitive. The line and circle primitives remain defined.
Define primitive objects using Smart Pick
This option interprets the raster entities you select and creates REM lines, circles, or arcs to represent them.
AutoCAD Raster Design toolset detects that you selected a line, and creates a REM line.
You can also right-click and select Repeat ISSMART.
AutoCAD Raster Design toolset creates a REM circle.
AutoCAD Raster Design toolset creates a REM arc.
This exercise demonstrates how you can use REM primitives to selectively create REM objects as a basis for editing the image.
Clear the REM objects