In this exercise you merge vector objects into a raster image.
By merging vector objects, you can make precise changes to your raster image using the power of AutoCAD drawing tools yet keeping your data in raster format.
In this exercise, you merge the following vector changes with the raster image of the floor plan:
When you merge vector objects into a raster image, you can control the following parameters:
Before doing this exercise, ensure that AutoCAD Raster Design toolset options are set as described in the exercise Exercise A1: Setting AutoCAD Raster Design Toolset Options.
Select the color and width of the new raster linework
Merge the vector objects into the image
If you want to keep the vector linework, you can enter n when prompted. You can then freeze the layers that contain the vector linework so that the vectors are not displayed.
The following example shows how the drawing should appear after you merge the vector objects into the image.
Review the raster entities created from the vector objects
The raster lines created from the vector lines are smooth and distinct.