Starting AutoCAD Raster Design Toolset

AutoCAD Raster Design toolset runs seamlessly with the AutoCAD-based products on your computer. The AutoCAD Raster Design toolset setup program automatically integrates the AutoCAD Raster Design toolset with the installed AutoCAD-based host programs.

To start the AutoCAD Raster Design toolset program

  1. To initialize the host product and AutoCAD Raster Design toolset, launch the AutoCAD-based host program with its icon. If the AutoCAD Raster Design toolset is correctly installed, a Raster Tools tab appears on the ribbon in the host program.
  2. On the ribbon, click Raster Tools tab Insert & Write panel Insert to insert an image, or click Raster Tools tab Insert & Write panel Dialog box launcher () to configure AutoCAD Raster Design toolset.