To Convert a Raster Rectangle to a Vector Rectangle

Tip: Use raster snapping to make it easier to pick points on the raster entity you are converting. For more information, see Specifying Raster Snap Settings.
  1. On the ribbon, click Raster Tools tab Vectorize & Recognize Text panel Primitives drop-down menu Rectangle.
  2. Click the first corner of the raster rectangle.
    Note: You can cancel the selection of a point by typing u (Undo) after you pick the point.
  3. Select a point to define the angle of the rectangle, or press Enter to accept 0 (zero) as the angle.

    The cursor now controls the size of the vector rectangle.

  4. Expand the rectangle to the desired size, then click the location of the corner opposite the first corner.
  5. Do one of the following:
    • Press Enter or right-click to draw the rectangle with the current height, width, and angle.
    • Enter v (Verify) to see the rectangle’s current size and orientation angle. If you want to change one of these values, enter h (Height), w (Width), or a (Angle) and enter a numeric value or pick a point to define the new value.