In this exercise you use the Palette Manager to create a transparent color and combine color usage in an image.
You can use the Palette Manager to customize existing images, either commercial data or existing files, to fit your need. The number of colors used, color assignments, and background transparency can all be modified. In this exercise, you look at the color usage in an image, create a transparent color, and combine colors selected from the image to improve its appearance. Then you compress the palette to eliminate unused colors and reorganize the palette.
Before doing this exercise, ensure that AutoCAD Raster Design toolset options are set as described in the exercise Exercise A1: Setting AutoCAD Raster Design Toolset Options.
A color satellite image inserts with the drawing.
Analyze the image palette
Using the Palette Manager, you can see detailed information about the image and the colors it uses.
Assign a transparent color
The transparent color is used as a background for future Remove or Deskew operations. Black is a logical choice for the transparent color, but before selecting it, you should check to see if it is already used in the image. If it is used, you typically do not select it as the transparent color, to avoid the appearance of holes in the image when background transparency is turned on.
The color at Index 0 seems to be a good choice for the transparent color but you should verify that there is not another index in the image that uses this color.
Consolidate colors in the image
When you look at the image, you see the water regions are made up of several different colors. It would be more useful for our purpose if the water was represented by a single color. You can use the Combine operation to consolidate these colors.
After you make the selection, the Palette Manager dialog box redisplays and the selected colors show in the palette.
The colors are combined in the image. Depending on your choice of color, some or all of the original colors for water become unused colors in the palette.
Compress the palette
From the palette display, you can see a large number of unused colors. By compressing the palette, you eliminate unused colors. Compress also changes the indices in the image so the used colors are grouped together at the top of the palette.