Text Recognition Setup Dialog Box

Use this dialog box to configure the settings for text recognition operations.


Selection Shape

Specifies the shape you use to outline the text for recognition, either rectangular or polygonal. The shape you choose also defines the area that is erased when you place the new text in the drawing.



Activates spell check during the recognition process.

Spelling Language

Specify a language to use when checking spelling during the recognition process.

AutoCAD Custom

Specifies using the current AutoCAD user dictionary in the recognition process. You can use a combination of the language dictionary and the current AutoCAD custom dictionary, or they can be used independently.

Language Character Set

Specifies the character set(s) to use during the recognition process. A character set is a group of 256 characters used by a specific language.

Note: You can select multiple character sets, but each additional character set increases the number of possible characters the recognition engine searches for. Doing this slows the recognition process and increases the possibility of errors.


Specifies the types of text that the text recognition engine must recognize in the current passage: one or more of Uppercase, Lowercase, Numbers, Punctuation, and Miscellaneous. If you clear a check box, the recognition engine does not attempt to display characters of that class.


Text Style

Specifies the text style options in AutoCAD.

Text Height


Specifies that the text entity height will be close to the original raster text height.

Style Height

Specifies that the text entity height is defined by the AutoCAD text style.

Specified Height

Specifies a text height. The value you enter for the specified height is applied to all text entities for the session or until you specify a new height.

Removal Method


Displays the vector text over the original text.


Removes the original text in the drawing and replaces it with the new vector text.


Specifies whether bold, italic, and underlined formatting in the recognized text is displayed in the Verify Text or Verify Table window. Selected formats are ignored in the display. For example, if the area of text you are working with has Italic formatting that you want the recognition engine to ignore, then select the Italic check box.

Note: By default Italic and Underline are selected, but not Bold, because the recognition engine tends to incorrectly recognize text in engineering drawings as bold. Formatting options are also available in the Verify Text or Verify Table window.
Enable Verifier

If selected, displays the original raster text in a small window above the text that is being verified in Edit pane of the Verify Text window. Click in the Verifier window to close it.


Restores the default values in the Text Recognition Setup dialog box.