Tip: Use raster snapping to make picking points on the raster entity you are converting easier. For more information, see
Raster Snapping.
- Do one of the following:
- For straight lines, from the ribbon, click
Raster Tools tab
Vectorize & Recognize Text panel
Primitives drop-down menu
- For polylines, from the ribbon, click
Raster Tools tab
Vectorize & Recognize Text panel
Primitives drop-down menu
The following prompt appears:
Specify one-pick point or [2P]:
Note: When you use the one-pick method to select the raster entity,
AutoCAD Raster Design toolset corrects the point you picked according to the current drafting settings or rounding values. For more information, see
Using SmartCorrect.
- Do one of the following:
- Select a raster line by clicking near the beginning of the line. The endpoint nearest the point you select is considered the start point.
- Enter
2p, then enter two points to define the raster line you are vectorizing.
Note: You can cancel the selection of a point by typing undo after you pick the point.
- Select another raster line using the one-pick method, or do one of the following:
- Enter
2p to select another raster line to vectorize using the multi-pick selection method.
- Enter
a (Angle) to verify the angle of the vector line segment you just created.
For more information, see Options for Verifying an Angle section later in this topic.
- Enter
l (Length) to verify the length of the vector line segment you just created.
For more information, see Options for Verifying a Length section later in this topic.
- Enter
u (Undo) to remove the last vector line segment you created.
If you used the one-pick method to select the raster line, the following options are available:
- Enter
st (Start) to verify the start point of the vector line segment you just created. A rubber-band line appears from the current endpoint. Click to select a new start point.
- Enter
e (End) to verify the endpoint of the vector line segment you just created. A rubber-band line appears from the current start point. Click to select a new endpoint.
- Enter
sw (Switch) to make the current endpoint the start point, and the current start point the endpoint.
- Enter
t (Trim) to trim (shorten) the vector line segment you just created by clicking an intersecting vector entity.
For more information, see Options for Trimming or Extending a Line section later in this topic.
- Enter
x (Extend) to lengthen the vector line segment you just created by clicking an intersecting vector entity.
For more information, see Options for Trimming or Extending a Line section later in this topic.
- Repeat step 3, or press Enter to exit the command.
Options for Verifying an Angle
When you select the Angle option of the Line tool, the following prompt is displayed:
Enter new angle or [Match]<“XdX'X”>
Note: AutoCAD Raster Design toolset adjusts the angle about the start point.
Do one of the following:
- To change the angle, enter a new angle.
- To match the angle of an existing vector, enter
m, then select the vector line.
- To use an angle from the
Most Recently Used or
Most Frequently Used list (depending on your settings in the
Raster Design Options dialog box), right-click, then click a value on the shortcut menu.
Options for Verifying a Length
When you select the Length option of the Line tool, the following prompt is displayed:
Enter new length or [Match]<XXX>:
Do one of the following:
- To change the length, enter a new length.
- To match the length of an existing vector line, enter
m, then select the vector line.
- To use a length from the
Most Recently Used or
Most Frequently Used list (depending on your settings in the
Raster Design Options dialog box), right-click, then click a value on the shortcut menu.
Options for Trimming or Extending a Line
When you select the Trim option, the following prompt is displayed:
Select cutting edge or [Apparent]:
When you select the Extend option, the following prompt is displayed:
Select boundary edge or [Apparent]:
Note: AutoCAD Raster Design toolset trims or extends the line by moving the endpoint.
To either trim or extend the line, do one of the following:
- To connect the current vector line to an intersecting vector entity, select the intersecting entity.
- To end the current vector line at an apparent intersection with another vector entity, enter
a (Apparent) and select
YES, then select the other vector entity.