Using AutoCAD Commands for Images

AutoCAD imaging commands and AutoCAD Raster Design toolset commands are fully compatible. The primary differences are their image editing capabilities and the methods they provide to insert, manage, and correlate images.

When you select a frame, you create an AutoCAD selection set that you can manipulate using any AutoCAD editing command, such as COPY, MOVE, or ROTATE.

When an AutoCAD command prompts you to select an object to edit, you can use any of the standard AutoCAD selection methods to select one or more image frames. When you select an image frame, grip(s) are displayed on the image. Select one of the grips and right-click to display the AutoCAD shortcut menu, on which you can select a command. Or, you can use the grip editing commands to edit the image.

Note: To select a command on the AutoCAD Raster Design toolset shortcut menu, select an image (but do not select a grip) and then right-click.

AutoCAD also includes the following commands that you can use with AutoCAD Raster Design toolset to adjust the display of your images:

Note: Throughout this help, AutoCAD commands are typically shown in UPPERCASE. AutoCAD Raster Design toolset commands have an initial capital letter, for example, Histogram. When you enter an AutoCAD Raster Design toolset command on the command line, the letter i precedes the command name.

For more information about AutoCAD commands, see the AutoCAD Help.