Export Surface to DEM Dialog Box

Use this dialog box to specify the parameters for exporting a surface to a DEM file.

Selected Surface


Displays the name of the selected surface.


Displays the description for the selected surface.

Drawing Coordinate Zone

Displays the drawing coordinate zone, if specified.


DEM File Name

Specifies the file name, location, and file type of your new DEM file. The file can be of type USGS (.dem) or GEOTIFF (.tiff). Click to open the Export Surface to DEM dialog box, then browse to the location, enter the file name and select file type.

Export Coordinate Zone

Specifies the coordinate zone of the exported surface. If the drawing has a coordinate zone assigned, this coordinate zone is displayed. Click to open the Select Coordinate System dialog box to select the required coordinate system from the list.

Grid Spacing

Specifies the horizontal spacing for the DEM profile points. Enter an integer value that is greater than or equal to 1. This value is specified in units used in the export coordinate zone.

Determine Elevations By

Specifies how the elevations of the DEM file are determined from the exported surface. Select one of the following values:

  • Sample surface at grid point: Ensures that for each point along a DEM profile, the elevation is sampled from the selected surface.
  • Average: Ensures that for each point along a DEM profile, the elevation value corresponds to the mean elevation in a grid cell-sized region centered at this point.
Use Custom Null Elevation

Specifies whether to use a custom value for null elevation.

Null Elevation

Specifies the default value for null elevation.