Ambient Settings Tab (Drawing Settings Dialog Box)

Use this tab to specify default ambient (background) settings for a variety of settings, including units of measurement. These units and settings are used throughout Autodesk Civil 3D, unless they are overridden at the feature or command level.

For information about working with this dialog box, including the use of the override columns, see About Autodesk Civil 3D Settings.


These settings specify a variety of features, some of which control how to display text, numbers, and units.

Plotted Unit Display Type

Specifies how to display numbers in interface controls and on the command line:

  • Decimal: Display numbers with decimal points. If the drawing units are metric, this is the only option.
  • Fractional: Display numbers with fractions.
Save Command Changes To Settings

Specifies whether any changes made to the settings during a command are saved for the drawing, even if the setting is marked as "locked" in the settings dialog box.

Show Event Viewer

Specifies whether the Event Viewer is displayed automatically when an event occurs.

Show Tooltips

Specifies whether to display tooltips in the drawing. This setting does not affect tooltips for toolbar icons.

For example, if you move your cursor near an alignment, you see a tooltip that shows the station and offset location of the cursor. Tooltips can also show surface elevation, point, profile, and section information.

Note: You can also control tooltip display at the feature settings level and by editing the properties of an individual object.
Imperial To Metric Conversion

Displays the conversion method specified on the Units and Zone tab as either US Survey Foot or International Foot.

New Entity Tool Tip State

Specifies whether to display tooltips by default for new objects.

Drawing Unit

Displays the linear units that are used in the model space of the drawing. Set this value on the Units And Zone tab of this dialog box.

Drawing Scale

Displays the intended plot scale. Set this value on the Units And Zone tab of this dialog box.

Scale Inserted Objects

Displays whether objects are scaled when they are inserted from other drawings. Set this value on the Units And Zone tab of this dialog box.

Driving Direction

Determines how curb return alignments are drawn for intersection objects. Left Side of the Road is typically selected for projects where vehicles travel on the left side of the road; for example, in countries such as the United Kingdom. In this case, curb return alignments in intersection objects are drawn starting from the left side of the outgoing road, and ending on the left side of the merging road. Right Side of the Road is typically selected for projects where vehicles travel on the right side of the road; for example, in countries such as the United States. In this case, curb return alignments in intersection objects are drawn starting from the right side of the outgoing road, and ending on the right side of the merging road. For more information, see To Specify the Driving Direction for Intersection Creation.

Independent Layer On

Has the same effect as the Immediate And Independent Layer On/Off Control Of Display Components setting on the Object Layers tab.


This setting specifies the default method for prompting for objects when inserting labels that contain Referenced Text components.

Labeling Prompt Method
  • Command Line: When inserting a label that contains Referenced Text, you are prompted at the command line to select the objects to refer to in the label.
  • Dialog: When inserting a label that contains Referenced Text, the Label Properties dialog box is displayed.
  • Suppress Prompts: When inserting a label that contains Referenced Text, all prompting for objects is suppressed.


These settings specify how to display numeric values that are not specifically defined by the unit type settings in this dialog box such as distance and coordinate.


Specifies the number of digits to show to the right of the decimal.


Specifies how numbers are rounded up or down to the number of decimal places specified in Precision:

  • Round Normal: If the last displayable digit is even, and the next digit is exactly 5, the program rounds down. If the last displayable digit is odd, and the next digit is exactly 5, the program rounds up. An input value of 100.12345 with precision of 4 would be displayed as 100.1234.

    If the next digit after the last displayable digit is greater than 5, the program rounds up. If the next digit after the last displayable digit is less than 5, the program rounds down.

    Note: AutoCAD is limited to 8 displayed decimal places. However, the actual precision beyond the display capability will still effect rounding. For example, 25.12500000001 would round to 25.13 with two place precision labeling.
  • Round Up: Numbers are always rounded up. The value 100.12345 with precision of 4 would be 100.1235 and with precision 2 would be 100.13.
  • Truncate: Numbers are limited to the specified number of decimal places without rounding. The value 100.12345 with precision of 4 would be 100.1234 and with precision 2 would be 100.12.

Specifies how to mark numbers as positive or negative:

  • Sign Negative: A sign is used only with negative values. Example: 100.00, -100.00
  • Bracket Negative: Brackets enclose negative values. Example: 100.00, (100.00).
  • Sign Always +/-: A sign is used with both positive and negative values. Example: +100.00, -100.00


These settings specify how to display linear distances.


Specifies the linear unit to use:

  • Meter
  • Kilometer
  • Decimeter
  • Centimeter
  • Millimeter
  • Foot
  • Inch
  • Yard
  • Mile

For information, see the Unitless section of this topic.


For information, see the Unitless section of this topic.


For information, see the Unitless section of this topic.


These settings specify how to display linear dimensions.


Specifies the linear unit to use:

  • Meter
  • Kilometer
  • Decimeter
  • Centimeter
  • Millimeter
  • Foot
  • Inch
  • Yard
  • Mile

For information, see the Unitless section of this topic.


For information, see the Unitless section of this topic.


For information, see the Unitless section of this topic.


These settings specify how to display X and Y coordinates.


Specifies the linear unit to use:

  • Meter
  • Kilometer
  • Decimeter
  • Centimeter
  • Millimeter
  • Foot
  • Inch
  • Yard
  • Mile

For information, see the Unitless section of this topic.


For information, see the Unitless section of this topic.


For information, see the Unitless section of this topic.


These settings specify how to display surface elevations.


Specifies the linear unit to use:

  • Meter
  • Kilometer
  • Decimeter
  • Centimeter
  • Millimeter
  • Foot
  • Inch
  • Yard
  • Mile

For information, see the Unitless section of this topic.


For information, see the Unitless section of this topic.


For information, see the Unitless section of this topic.


These settings specify how to display surface areas.


Specifies the drawing unit to use:

  • Square Meter
  • Square Foot
  • Acre
  • Hectare
  • Square Kilometer
  • Square Mile
  • Square Yard

For information, see the Unitless section of this topic.


For information, see the Unitless section of this topic.


For information, see the Unitless section of this topic.


These settings specify how to display terrain volumes.


Specifies the drawing unit to use:

  • Cubic Meter
  • Cubic Foot
  • Cubic Yard

For information, see the Unitless section of this topic.


For information, see the Unitless section of this topic.


For information, see the Unitless section of this topic.


These settings specify how to display speeds for design criteria.


Specifies the speed as:

  • Kilometer/hr.
  • Meter/sec.
  • Foot/sec.
  • Mile/hr.

For information, see the Unitless section of this topic.


For information, see the Unitless section of this topic.


For information, see the Unitless section of this topic.


These settings specify how to display deflection angles between two vectors.


Specifies the angular unit to use:

  • Radian
  • Degree
  • Grad

For information, see the Unitless section of this topic.


For information, see the Unitless section of this topic.


Specifies how to display angles:

  • Decimal (DD.DDDDDD)
  • DD°MM’SS.SS” (no spaces)
  • DD° MM’ SS.SS” (spaced)
  • DD.MMSSSS (decimal DMS)

For information, see the Unitless section of this topic.

Drop Decimal For Whole Numbers

Specifies whether to drop or display all zero digits after a decimal point. If there is a non-zero digit after decimal point, then these digits won't be dropped.

  • Yes (example: North 90 or North 100.01)
  • No (example: North 90.00 or North 100.01)
Drop Leading Zeros For Degrees

Drops leading zeros before values less than 10.


These settings specify how to display directions.


Specifies the angular unit to use:

  • Radian
  • Degree
  • Grad

For information, see the Unitless section of this topic.


For information, see the Unitless section of this topic.


Specifies how to display angles:

  • Decimal (DD.DDDDDD)
  • DD°MM’SS.SS” (no spaces)
  • DD° MM’ SS.SS” (spaced)
  • DD.MMSSSS (decimal DMS)

Specifies how to display directions:

  • Long Name (example: North 50° 45' East)
  • Short Name (example: N 50° 45' E)
  • Long Name Spaced
  • Short Name Spaced

Specifies how to display direction names:

  • Preserve Case
  • Upper Case (example: NORTH)
  • Lower Case (example: north)
  • Title Caps. (example: North)

For information, see the Unitless section of this topic.

Measurement Type

Specifies how to calculate the direction of a vector:

  • Bearings
  • North Azimuth
  • South Azimuth
Bearing Quadrant

Specifies which bearing quadrant to use:

  • 1 - NE
  • 2 - SE
  • 3 - SW
  • 4 - NW
Drop Decimal For Whole Numbers

Specifies whether to drop or display all zero digits after a decimal point. If there is a non-zero digit after decimal point, then these digits won't be dropped.

  • Yes (example: North 90 or North 100.01)
  • No (example: North 90.00 or North 100.01)
Drop Leading Zeros For Degrees

Drops leading zeros before values less than 10.

Lat Long

These settings specify how to display latitude and longitude.


Specifies the angular unit to use:

  • Radian
  • Degree
  • Grad

For information, see the Unitless section of this topic.


For information, see the Unitless section of this topic.


Specifies how to display angles:

  • Decimal (DD.DDDDDD)
  • DD°MM’SS.SS” (no spaces)
  • DD° MM’ SS.SS” (spaced)
  • DD.MMSSSS (decimal DMS)

Specifies the format of lat/long labels:

  • Prefix Short Name (example: N 50° 45')
  • Prefix Long Name (example: North 50° 45')
  • Suffix Short Name (example: 50° 45' N)
  • Suffix Long Name (example: 50° 45' North)
  • Signed: Includes minus signs for negative values (example: -72° 45’ 35.45678”)
  • Prefix Short Name Spaced
  • Prefix Long Name Spaced
  • Suffix Short Name Spaced
  • Suffix Long Name Spaced

Specifies how to display direction names:

  • Preserve Case
  • Upper Case (example: NORTH)
  • Lower Case (example: north)
  • Title Caps. (example: North)

For information, see the Unitless section of this topic.

Drop Decimal For Whole Numbers

Specifies whether to drop or display all zero digits after a decimal point. If there is a non-zero digit after decimal point, then these digits won't be dropped.

  • Yes (example: North 90 or North 100.01)
  • No (example: North 90.00 or North 100.01)
Drop Leading Zeros For Degrees

Drops leading zeros before values less than 10.


These settings specify how to display grade and slope measurements.


For information, see the Unitless section of this topic.


For information, see the Unitless section of this topic.


Specifies how to display grade and slope values:

  • Rise:Run (example 1:5)
  • Run:Rise (example 5:1)
  • Percent (example 20%)
  • Decimal (DD.DDDDDD) (example 0.20)
  • Per Mille (example 150‰)

For information, see the Unitless section of this topic.


These settings specify how to display grade measurements.


For information, see the Unitless section of this topic.


For information, see the Unitless section of this topic.


Specifies how to display grade values:

  • Percent (example 20%)
  • Decimal (DD.DDDDDD) (example 0.20)
  • Per Mille (example 150‰)

For information, see the Unitless section of this topic.


These settings specify how to display slope measurements.


For information, see the Unitless section of this topic.


For information, see the Unitless section of this topic.


Specifies how to display grade and slope values:

  • Rise:Run (example 1:5)
  • Run:Rise (example 5:1)

For information, see the Unitless section of this topic.


These settings specify how to display linear features that use station or chainage.


Specifies the drawing unit to use:

  • Meter
  • Decimeter
  • Centimeter
  • Millimeter
  • Kilometer
  • Foot
  • Inch
  • Yard
  • Mile

Specifies the station format in labels, tooltips, and elsewhere:

  • Station Format: Specifies that normal station formatting is used (example: 0+010.123).
  • Station Index Format: Specifies that indexing is used and applies the Station Index Increment that is specified on the Labels tab of the Alignment Properties dialog box. For example, if the Station Index Increment is 200m, then the station at 200m will appear as 1+00 and the station at 400m will appear as 2+00, and so on. To view this format in labels, you must set up the station label style to use Station Index Format also.
  • Decimal: Specifies that stations appear as decimal numbers (example: 0010.123).

For information, see the Unitless section of this topic.


For information, see the Unitless section of this topic.


For information, see the Unitless section of this topic.

Station Delimiter Character

Specifies the separator character used to display stations:

  • Plus Sign ‘+’
  • Minus Sign ‘-’
  • Automatic (plus or minus depending on whether the station value is positive or negative)
  • Underscore ‘_’
  • None
Station Delimiter Position

Specifies the scale to use for major stations:

  • 1+0
  • 1+00
  • 1+000
  • 1+0000
  • 1+00000
Drop Decimal For Whole Numbers

Specifies whether to drop or display station whole numbers with zeroes after decimals:

  • Yes (example: 120+00)
  • No (example: 120+00.000)
Drop Leading Zeros Right of Station Character

Drops leading zeros before the station character for whole number station values.

Minimum Display Width

Specifies the minimum display width for the station value, which allows leading zeros to be added if necessary. For example, assuming a minimum display width of 10 and a precision of 2, a station value of 1234.234 would be displayed as 0012+34.23.


These settings specify the default settings for acceleration across all features.


Specifies the drawing unit to use:

  • meter/sec^2
  • foot/sec^2

For information, see the Unitless section of this topic.


For information, see the Unitless section of this topic.


For information, see the Unitless section of this topic.

Transparent Commands

These settings specify the prompting behavior of transparent commands across all features. The formats used to prompt for grade and slope values are set using the Grade and Slope ambient settings.

Prompt For 3D Points

Specifies the prompt sequence (X,Y or X, Y, Z) when creating a point in 3D:

  • True (prompt for 3D points)
  • False (no Z prompt)
Prompt For Y before X

Specifies whether commands prompt for the Y coordinate before the X coordinate:

  • True (Y first)
  • False (X first)
Prompt For Easting Then Northing

Specifies whether commands prompt for the Easting before the Northing:

  • True (Easting first)
  • False (Northing first)
Prompt For Longitude Then Latitude

Specifies whether commands prompt for the Longitude before the Latitude:

  • False (Latitude first)
  • True (Longitude first)


These settings specify the default settings for pressure. Pressure networks can be labeled with pressure information.


Specifies the unit to use:

  • psi
  • pascals
  • kilopascals
  • megapascals
  • bar

For information, see the Unitless section of this topic.


For information, see the Unitless section of this topic.


For information, see the Unitless section of this topic.