To Work With Survey Styles

Use the survey styles to control the way that survey networks and figures are displayed in a drawing.

The survey styles are accessed and managed on the Settings tab in Toolspace, where you can create, edit, copy, and delete them.

There are two survey-related styles:

Tutorial Exercise: Setting Survey Styles

To create a network style

  1. In Toolspace, on the Settings tab, expand the Survey collection. Right-click the Network Styles collection. Click New.
  2. In the Network Style dialog box, click the Information tab and enter a name and description for the style.
  3. To specify the styles for markers and the error ellipse scale factor in the network, click the Components tab. For information on the components about this tab, see Components Tab (Survey Network Style Dialog Box).
  4. To specify the 3D geometry display of the network, click the 3D Geometry tab and specify the settings.
  5. To define the display of the various network components, including network lines, points, and error ellipses, click the Display tab.
  6. To view summary information about the style, click the Summary tab.
  7. Click OK.

To create a figure style

  1. In Toolspace, on the Settings tab, expand the Survey collection, right-click the Figure Styles collection, and click New.
  2. In the Figure Style dialog box, click the Information tab and enter a name and description for the style.
  3. To define figure marker placement and styles, click the Markers tab and specify the options. For information about the components on this tab, see Markers Tab (Survey Figure Style Dialog Box).
  4. To specify the 3D geometry display of the figure, click the 3D Geometry tab and specify the settings.
  5. To define the display of the various figure components, including figure lines, and markers, click the Display tab.
  6. To view summary information about the style, click the Summary tab.
  7. Click Apply.

To edit a survey style

  1. In Toolspace, on the Settings tab, right-click the name of the network or figure style that you want to edit and click Edit.
  2. In the Style dialog box, change the properties of the style as required.