To Edit Traverses

Edit the properties of all traverses using the Traverses Editor panorama window, or edit an individual traverse in the Traverse Editor.

Tutorial Exercise: Creating Survey Data Using the Traverse Editor

Note: You can use the Coordinate Geometry Editor to edit 2D traverse data of a previously saved traverse. For more information, see About Editing Coordinate Geometry.
  1. In Toolspace, on the Survey tab, expand the Networks collections. Expand a named network. Right-click TraversesEdit.
  2. In the Traverses Editor Panorama window, click a cell and enter changes.
  3. Right-click a cell and click New to create a traverse or click Delete to remove an existing traverse.

To edit individual traverse observations using the Traverse Editor

  1. In Toolspace, on the Survey tab, expand the Networks collections. Expand a named network.
  2. Click the Traverses collection. In the list view, right-click a named traverse Edit.
  3. In the Specify Initial Setup dialog box, enter the Initial Station and the Initial Backsight. Click OK.
  4. If you have defined the traverse, the current Setup property list is displayed on the left side of the panorama. In the current Setup property list you can edit the Backsight Orientation, Backsight Face1 and BacksightFace2 settings, and the Instrument Height.
    Note: If the Setup you select is the initial setup for the traverse and the backsight point is not defined by a control point, you can enter the backsight direction. If the backsight direction is not assigned in the setup properties, you can enter it as a backsight observation.
  5. Expand each Station point. Enter or edit the observations for each Setup. A new blank observation row is added to the last setup observation where you can enter a new backsight or foresight observation.
    Note: Observations created using Point names will display the name in the Name column.
  6. Specify a backsight observation in a new row by entering the point identifier for the setup.
  7. Specify a foresight observation to the next station point by entering a point identifier that has not been referenced in the current traverse.

    When you specify the new foresight point identifier, the next Station point and setup are created.


    Once you have referenced a foresight point identifier, all new foresight observations must use the same point identifier.

  8. Click to apply the changes.