Display Tab (Style Dialog Box)

Use this tab to control the visibility and display characteristics for each component that makes up an object. To change a setting, click the current value.

For Color, Linetype, Lineweight, and Plot Style, you can select specific values or you can use the reference settings of ByLayer or ByBlock. These settings are indirect and require some planning.

Note: The values you enter on the Display tab take precedence over other AutoCAD Property Settings and AutoCAD Layer Settings.

View Direction

Object styles have unique display values and varying numbers of displayed components, depending on the view direction that is selected. You can set style characteristics that control how the object components are displayed in plan view, model view, profile view, and section view. For example, you may want to set the object styles differently depending on the view direction that is selected.


Specifies how the object is displayed in plan view. Plan view is the view of a site if you look straight down from an elevated position.


Specifies how the object is displayed in model view. Model view is a 3D rotated view, such as when the Orbit command is used.


Specifies how the object is displayed in a profile view.


Specifies how the object is displayed in a section view.

Component Display

Use this grid to specify the visibility and layer use for components of each object. In the Color, Linetype, and Lineweight columns you can select a specific value or set the value to BYLAYER or BYBLOCK. For more information, see Using BYLAYER and BYBLOCK to Assign Display Values.

Component Type

Specifies the component. The number and type of object components varies, depending on the object and whether the view is 2D or 3D.


Specifies the component visibility. Click the light bulb on or off to change the visibility.


Specifies the display layer for components, which is referenced if you select a ByLayer setting for any values. A setting of 0 means that the display layer is the same as the layer on which the component is drawn.


Specifies a color for the component. Click to select a specific value or specify ByLayer or ByBlock.


Specifies the line type for the component. You can click in the Linetype column and use the Select Linetype dialog box.

If you choose ByLayer, the linetype value is determined by examining the properties of the layer referred to in the Display tab pane.

If you choose ByBlock, the value is determined by examining the properties of the object for layer override settings first. If the object doesn't have layer overrides, the layer referred to in the Display tab pane is used to determine the properties.

LT Scale

Specifies the linetype scale for the component.

Note: The Current Object Scale value controls the CELTSCALE system variable, which sets the linetype scale for new objects. The CELTSCALE value is multiplied by the LTSCALE to get the displayed linetype scale.

Specifies the lineweight for the component. You can click in the lineweight column and select a new lineweight in the Lineweight dialog box.

Plot Style

Specifies the plot style for the component.

Component Hatch Display

Use this grid to specify the hatch patterns and properties for each object component.

Component Type

Lists the object components that have hatch patterns.


Specifies the hatch pattern for the component. You can click in the column and select a new pattern from the Hatch Pattern dialog box.


Specifies the angle value for the component.


Specifies the scale for the hatch pattern.