To Create an Azimuth/Azimuth Survey Intersection

You can find the point of intersection between two infinite lines from existing points.

After an intersection is found, you can save it by specifying a new point number.

To calculate an azimuth/azimuth intersection in the Survey Command Window

  1. In Toolspace, on the Survey tab, right-click the network to edit, and click Survey Command Window.
  2. Click Intersections menu Azimuth/Azimuth.
  3. Enter the starting point number of the first azimuth.
  4. Enter the azimuth from that point.
  5. Enter an offset.
  6. Enter the starting point number of the second azimuth.
  7. Enter the azimuth from that point.
  8. Enter an offset.

To calculate an azimuth/azimuth intersection, using the survey command language

  1. In Toolspace, on the Survey tab, right-click the network to edit, and click Survey Command Window.
  2. At the Command line, enter:

    AZAZ [point 1] [azimuth 1] [offset 1] [point 2] [azimuth 2] [offset 2]

Command Line Example

NE 1 100 100

NE 2 200 200

AZAZ 1 50 10 2 183.3333 -20

! INTERSECTION # 1 NORTH:186.991377 EAST:219.229524

An intersection is located between an azimuth of 50.000 drawn from point 1 with an offset distance of 10 to the right, and an azimuth of 183.3333 drawn from point 2 with an offset distance of 20 to the left.

Command Syntax

AZAZ [point 1] [azimuth 1] [offset 1] [point 2] [azimuth 2] [offset 2]

Parameter Definition
point 1, point 2 The existing point identifiers defining the beginning of the azimuths
azimuth 1, azimuth 2 The azimuths for the lines from the existing points (point 1 and point 2). Azimuths establish a direction for each vector and are expressed in current angle units.
offset 1, offset 2 The offsets from the lines. This acts as if the lines are moved X feet or meters to the left or right. An offset to the right is a positive number, and an offset to the left is a negative number. If you do not want an offset, then use zero.