Survey Command Window

Use this dialog box to enter survey commands directly using command line input or interactively using the menus.

The menus on this dialog box provide quick access to extended survey functionality including batch and output file usage, baseline, centerline, and intersection input, and to obtain point information.

Use the command input field to enter survey command language commands directly.

Tip: In the Survey Command Window, enter HELP at the command line to display a text file that lists all the Survey Command Language commands
Main menu

Provides access to:

Output view

Displays all survey command output. All output is prefixed with the “!” character. Erroneous commands are recorded as comments. For example: !Duplicate point. (Point number ' 1 ' already exists).

Batch view

Displays the input history for the current Survey Command Window session. All commands echoed here are also written to the batch file (if turned on). Input errors are trapped and not recorded to the batch file.

Command line

Enter survey command language commands directly. The survey command language is the basic format for all survey data entry. After you become familiar with the survey command Language, you may find that it is an efficient way to access and query data. Commands entered at the survey command line use a specific syntax.