To List an Angle and Distance in the Survey Database Using the Inverse Radial Command

You can use the Inverse Radial command to determine the angle and distance from a setup in a radial direction from the backsight point. You must specify a backsight point identifier, an instrument point identifier, and a foresight point.

To list angle and distance information using the Survey Command Window

  1. In Toolspace, on the Survey tab, right-click a named network Survey Command Window.
  2. In the Survey Command Window, click Point Information menu Inverse Radial.
  3. Enter the point identifier of the backsight.
  4. Enter the point identifier of the instrument point.

To list angle and distance information using the Command line in the Survey Command Window

  1. In Toolspace, on the Survey tab, right-click a named network Survey Command Window.
  2. At the command line, enter:

    INVERSE RADIAL [backsight] [station]

Command Line Example

The following example shows a valid entry using the Inverse Radial command:

NE 1 100 100

NE 2 200 200

NE 3 175 300

NE 4 300 200

NE 5 310 220

NE 6 200 250


Inverses reference instrument at point 2 backsighting point 1 3

Angle: 24-26-38 Distance: 213.600

POINT 3 NORTH: 175.000 EAST: 300.000 ELEV: <Null> 4 6

Angle: 341-33-54 Distance: 223.610

POINT 4 NORTH: 300.000 EAST: 200.000 ELEV: <Null>

Angle: 344-44-42 Distance: 241.870

POINT 5 NORTH: 310.000 EAST: 220.000 ELEV: <Null>

Angle: 11-18-36 Distance: 180.280

POINT 6 NORTH: 200.000 EAST: 250.000 ELEV: <Null>

The instrument is set on point 2, backsights point 1, and gives the angle turned from line 2-1 to line 2-3. This command returns the distance from point 2 to point 3, then does the same for points 4 through 6.

Command Syntax

INVERSE RADIAL [backsight] [station]

Command Synonyms



Parameter Definition
backsight The known reference point or line.
station The point where the instrument is located (the occupied point).