Corridor Parameter Override Stations Dialog Box

Use this dialog box to view and delete assembly overrides to stations in the selected region.

Assembly Name

Displays the name of the assembly used in the region.

Start Station

Displays the value of the first station in the region’s range.

End Station

Displays the value of the last station in the region’s range.

Deletes the override applied to the station selected in the list of stations.

Delete All

Deletes all the overrides applied to stations in the selected region and clears the list of stations.

Note: Deleting one or all stations from the list only deletes the overrides applied to the stations.

The table displays a list of overridden stations and the override method.


Displays the station’s value.


Displays whether or not the assembly has been edited by overriding subassembly parameters.


Displays whether or not a subassembly located at the station has been added, deleted, or edited by adding or deleting points or links.