To Create a Survey Figure Vertex Using a Deflection Angle and Distance

Create a figure vertex using a deflection angle and distance. The deflection angle is turned clockwise from the current azimuth. Two or more vertices must exist in the figure to use this command.

  1. In Toolspace, on the Survey tab, right-click a named network Survey Command Window.
  2. At the Command line, enter:

    FIGURE DEFL-DIST [angle] [distance]

Command Line Example

NE 20 1200 1200

NE 21 1400 1300


PT 20

PT 21

FIG DD -33.3333 91.440

RT -91.440

FIG ZD (AZ 21 20) 60.960


The following illustrates the Figure Deflection Distance command:

Command Syntax

FIGURE DEFL-DIST [angle] [distance]

Command Synonym


Parameter Definition
angle The deflection angle as measured to the new vertex. Enter this value in the current survey database angular units, either DMS, grads, decimal degrees, radians, or mils.
distance The distance from the current vertex in the figure. Enter this value in the current survey database distance units.