To Create Right Angle Segments on a Survey Figure

Define left and right turns, creating square sides on your figure. This is useful when drafting building footprints. At least two vertices must exist in the current figure for this command to work properly.

  1. In Toolspace, on the Survey tab, right-click a named network Survey Command Window.
  2. At the Command line, enter:

    RT-TURN [distance]

Command Line Example


NE 1 1000 1000

FIG ZD 100 30.480

RT 30.480

AZIMUTH: 190-00-00 DISTANCE: 30.4800

NORTH: 964.6903 EAST: 1024.7241

RT -3.048

AZIMUTH: 100-00-00 DISTANCE: 3.0480

NORTH: 964.1610 EAST: 1027.7258RT 15.240

AZIMUTH: 190-00-00 DISTANCE: 15.2400

NORTH: 949.1525 EAST: 1025.0794



The following illustrates the Right Turn command:

Command Syntax

RT-TURN [distance]

Command Synonyms



Parameter Definition
distance The distance from the current vertex to the new vertex. Enter this value in the current survey database distance units.