Specify a file name and path for the saved EDL in the file browser that appears. The filename cannot contain any of the following characters: ` # ~ @ $ % ^ & * ( ) [ ] { } < > \ | / ! ? , ; : ' "
Select: | To use: |
Combine All Events | A single entry for all video and audio events. |
Combine Audio Events | One entry for audio events and a separate entry for video events. |
Never Combine Events | A separate entry for each video and audio event. |
You can save EDLs in any of the following formats:
The EDL file will include explicit notification of hybrid splices as punctuation marks in the record in and out data.
A: | Indicates a: |
period (.) | Regular splice record-in point for 29.97 fps non-drop frame timecode tapes. |
comma (,) | Regular splice record-in point for 29.97 fps drop frame timecode tapes. |
colon (:) | Hybrid splice record-in point for 29.97 fps non-drop frame timecode tapes. |
semi-colon (;) | Hybrid splice record-in point for 29.97 fps drop frame timecode tapes. |
This button is enabled by default when a 24p template is selected at project creation.
Source clips are assigned tape IDs when loaded using the Clip VTR Input or through the Conform tab. For example, an edit that uses a clip created with the Colour Corrector does not have a tape ID. When the EDL is generated, the clip is given the tape ID in the Default Tape field.
This adds a list to the end of the EDL that shows the relationship between a abbreviated tape name (8 characters, maximum) used in the EDL and the actual tape name (52 characters, maximum).