Appendix A.11 - Argument #14: Matrix Post-Failure Stiffness Fraction

(Unidirectional composites only, not available for woven composites)

The 14th argument is a fraction used to define the damaged elastic moduli of the matrix constituent after matrix constituent failure occurs. Specifically, it is the ratio of the failed matrix constituent moduli to the unfailed matrix constituent moduli. A value of 0.10 would specify that after a matrix failure occurs at an integration point, all six of the matrix constituent moduli ( e11 supm, e22 supm, e33 supm, g12 supm, g13 supm, g23 supm ) are reduced to 10% of the original undamaged matrix constituent moduli. The matrix post-failure stiffness value must be greater than 0.0, and less than or equal to 1.0.

Note: For woven composites, if the matrix post-failure stiffness is specified, the 5th argument (progressive failure analysis) must be set to a value of 2. If the 5th argument is set to a value of 1, the 14th argument will be ignored.

The value of the 14th argument can have a pronounced effect on the post-failure response of a multilayer composite structure. This constant is largely responsible for the rate at which local loads are redistributed after a localized matrix constituent failure occurs.