Roller Chains Generator

Use Roller Chains Generator to design and analyze a variety of chains drives. It creates the sprockets and chain path as a simple sketch or simplified solid, and analyze the system.

The chain drive designed with Roller Chains Generator can be planar only with all parallel sprocket axes. No misalignment of sprocket is considered. The chain midplane is the X-Y plane of chain coordinate system. The coordinate system follows the right-hand rule and can be fully constrained to the selected reference geometry.

The chain drive can consist from theoretically an unlimited number of toothed sprockets and flat idlers. Sprockets and idlers can lie inside or outside the chain loop. Also, you can change direction of motion and analyze the chain drive for reversed motion.

The first sprocket is considered a driver. The rest of the sprockets are driven or idlers. The transmitted power can be split into several driven sprocket using a power ratio factor defined for each sprocket. Distribution of forces and torques are calculated accordingly.

The strength calculation processes a strength check for the chain type selected. The calculation uses different data and equations according to the used ISO, DIN, BS, CSN, or ANSI standards.

Use the Roller Chains Generator to:

Coordinate system

Coordinate system icon is composed from three axes and origin entities and fully defines coordinate system of chain path trajectory. Each of the entity of the coordinate system has a specific meaning and functionality. Selecting origin sphere initiates selection of point reference geometry what serves as origin reference for coordinate system. Selecting X and Y axis initiates selection of linear reference geometry what defines X or Y axis direction vector of chain path coordinate system. The coordinate system follows right-hand rule so only one axis selection is accepted. Chain mid-plane is defined by X-Y plane. Z axis serves as indicator of offset chain mid-plane from selected reference plane. Using double-click or drag & drop the offset can be specified. Using right mouse button if mouse is over the X, Y or Z axis the Flip direction command can be used to flip direction of given axis.

Tip: See the Roller Chains Components Calculation Formulas topics for used calculation formulas and other instructions for designing chains.