Cam Generators - Calculation tab

Sets parameters for calculation of a disc, linear, and cylindrical cams.

Click Calculate to perform the strength check.


Ribbon: Design tab Power Transmission panel Linear Cam, Disc Cam, or Cylindrical Cam. In the Cam Component Generator dialog box, and click the Calculation tab.

This tab extends the Design tab. You can calculate generator data based on selections in the Design tab. Calculation tab is the same for both cam calculators.

Cycle Data

Enter either the Cycle Time or the Speed or the Velocity for cams.

Follower Loads

Enter Force on Roller, Accelerated Weight and Spring Rating. The cam is loaded with the follower roller.

Cam Material

Note: Material database is not connected to Autodesk Inventor Material Library.

Warning: Strength parameters of material are determined empirically and reflect minimum values applicable for a group of materials. Although these obtained values are close to the values obtained using measurement of particular materials, it is recommended in cases of final calculations to use parameters of material according to the material sheet or specifications of the producer.

On the material edit field, specify your own material values or select a material from Material Database.

If a material is selected from Material Database, values into the following edit fields are inserted automatically according to the values from Material Database and edits fields are locked. To unlock the field clear the box.

Follower Material

Note: Material database is not connected to Autodesk Inventor Material Library.

Warning: Strength parameters of material are determined empirically and reflect minimum values applicable for a group of materials. Although these obtained values are close to the values obtained using measurement of particular materials, it is recommended in cases of final calculations to use parameters of material according to the material sheet or specifications of the producer.

On the material edit field, specify your own material values or select a material from Material Database.

If a material is selected from Material Database, values into the following edit fields are inserted automatically according to the values from Material Database and edits fields are locked. To unlock the field clear the box.


To display the Results area on the right side of the Calculation and Design tabs, double-click the double line on the right or click the chevron.

The area displays the limiting values of calculated parameters, result of strength check, and cam shape. Values are calculated when the Calculate command is pressed.

Following output parameters are displayed in the Results pane:

Note: For further description of the calculated parameters, see Engineer's Handbook.

Summary of Messages

Displays the reports about calculation. To open the Summary of Messages area at the bottom of the Calculation and Design tabs, double-click the double line at the bottom of tabs or click the chevron at the bottom of the tabs.

Toolbar Commands