To Create Standard iParts

  1. Click Manage tab Author panel Create iPart to open the iPart Author.
  2. All parameters renamed in the Parameters dialog box are already added as columns in the iPart table. If you did not rename the parameters, add them to the table individually.
  3. In the left pane, the browser shows all part data.
    • Add parameter Click a parameter, and then click the Include arrow to add the parameter to the table.
    • Remove parameter In the right pane, click the parameter and then click the Remove arrow.
    Tip: Each value you select is a column in the iPart table, so include only items that need different values in iPart members.
  4. Add the necessary attributes on the tabs:
    • Properties Expand the Project folder and add Part Number. In the iPart table, give each member a unique part number. When you place a version of the iPart, your bill of materials and parts lists are up to date.
    • Suppression Add features if you want to control their suppression status.
    • iFeatures Add inserted iFeatures that you want to include in the table. You can specify the iFeature row value and suppression status for each row in the iPart table.
    • iMatesIncludes iMates if the feature status is Compute, and not Suppressed.
    • Work Features Include one or more work features, if desired.
    • Threads Include or exclude thread parameters, if present. Family is a crucial distinction among threads, so include it as a minimum.
    • Sheet Metal Include Sheet Metal style, Sheet Metal Unfold style, and/or Flat Pattern Orientation as needed for your factory.
    • Other Create values such as Color, Material, or File Name, or other column headings that do not control size or placement of a member.

      The Member Name column automatically generates unique names to distinguish each iPart member.

      If you alter the member name from the default, it alters the file name.

  5. Review the columns in the iPart table. Determine which columns to designate as Keys, such as material or size, by identifying primary characteristics of the iPart.
    Note: If you plan to export the iPart as an iFeature, you can designate the Key1 value. Then you can identify a specific characteristic of the iFeature in the browser of the part file in which you use it.

    In the right pane, right-click an attribute and select Key. Click the arrow and select the number to specify the order. For example, if you always select a part by its length, and then its width, designate length as Key1 and width as Key2.

    Tip: Key values are listed in order in the browser and the Keys tab of the Place iPart dialog box. Specify only needed keys to avoid browser clutter. Key columns are indicated with a key icon.
  6. Right-click in the table and select Insert Row. Modify the necessary values to create an iPart member.

    Continue to add rows and columns as needed. Consider editing the table in a spreadsheet so that you can take advantage of functions such as copy and paste, formulas, and sorting.

  7. Right-click a table row and click Set as Default Row. The default row background is green. In Inventor, the Default Row is automatically inserted into an assembly when placed, unless a different iPart member is selected.
  8. Click OK to create the iPart. You can edit the iPart later to add or remove rows or adjust your preferences.
  9. Save the file.