What's New:
You can add additional components to an assembly that contains assembly features using Add Participants.
To add a participant:
- In the assembly or weld assembly browser, right-click an assembly extrude cut or hole feature and select
Add Participants. You cannot add participants to a chamfer.
- In the assembly browser or graphics window, select one or more of the occurrences of a component to add. Window and crossing select are supported.
To verify a participant was added or removed, expand the selected assembly feature to display the list of participants.
To add a participant to a weld preparation feature
Follow these steps to add a participant to a weldment preparation feature.
- In a weldment with preparations features (extrude cut or holes), expand the Preparations browser node.
- Right-click the feature and select Add Participants.
- In the canvas, select one or more components as participants. Window and crossing selection are supported.
To add a weld bead from a sub-assembly as a participant
Follow these steps to add a weld bead as a participant in an assembly feature in the top assembly when the weld bead is added after you create an assembly feature.
- Open an assembly with a weldment sub-assembly that has no weld beads.
- Create a feature in the top level assembly.
- Activate the sub-assembly and create a weld bead.
- Right-click the feature you created in the top level assembly, and select Add Participant
- Expand the weld node in the sub-assembly, and click the Beads folder in the browser to add the weld bead as a participant in the top level assembly.
Note: You can also select the weld bead in graphics window.