To Bend Parts

Use the Bend Part command to bend a portion of a part.

What's New: 2021

First, you define the location of the bend, then you specify the side of the part to bend, the direction and other parameters of the bend.

Note: Bend Part is not intended for sheet-metal applications.

To define the bend line, or the location of the bend, use a sketch consisting of a single straight line segment. The plane on which the sketch is created serves as the neutral plane of the bend. It’s good practice to place the sketch plane on the side of the part where the bend occurs or at the center of the bend. Also, place your sketch plane at a height where you can measure the results.

You can limit the length of the open profile so that it touches only the portion of the part that you want to bend. Sketch the open profile directly on the face of the portion you want to bend. Then, bend one portion of the part rather than multiple portions that can lie on the same projection direction of the open profile.

Bend Part requires both a consumed sketch, such as an extruded face, and a sketch that is visible and unadaptive (such as a line sketched across the extruded face).

  1. Click 3D Model tab Modify panel Bend Part . The Bend property panel displays.
  2. The Bend Line selector is active, select the line about which the feature hinges or folds.
  3. Behavior
    • Side: Choose whether the part bends Side A , SIde B , or Both ways around the bend line.
    • Direction: specify whether bend is Default or Flipped .
  4. Method, choose how you want to define the bend:
    • Radius and Angle. Creates a feature using a radius and angle that you specify. The radius defines the size of the bend curve between the two sides. The angle defines the position of the two sides.
    • Radius and Arc Length. Creates a feature using a radius and arc length that you specify. Arc Length defines the length of the curve.
    • Arc Length and Angle. Creates a feature using values you specify for Arc Length and Angle. The Arc Length defines the length of the curve. The angle defines the position of the two sides.
  5. If the Bend Line intersects multiple portions of the part body and you want to specify which portions are bent, expand Advanced Properties to access Bend Minimum. Select Bend Minimum to specify which portions to bend. Alternatively, limit the length of the sketched bend line to only the portion you want to bend.
  6. Click OK.