To Use Fit Mesh Face

Fit Mesh Face creates surfaces from selected mesh facets. You can specify the surface type.

In the mesh model:

  1. In the 3D Model tab Mesh panel, click Fit Mesh Face.
  2. Mesh Facet selection is active and ready for input. Select the mesh facets across which the surface will be created.
  3. Specify one of the following as the Face Type:
    • Auto Fit
    • Planar
    • Conic
    • Sphere
    • Torus
    • Spline
  4. Adjust Brush size where needed.
  5. Use the cursor as a brush to paint over the facets as a means of selection. You can enter a value, use the slider, or shortcut keys - '[' to decrease, ']' to increase the value. Selected facets highlight enabling you to preview the surface that will be created.
  6. You can accept the default tolerance or specify your own within the range of 0.00001 to 0.1 mm. Tolerance uses the document unit setting.
  7. Click OK to create the surface.