Content Center parts

Autodesk Inventor Content Center libraries provide standard parts (fasteners, steel shapes, shaft parts) and features to insert in assemblies.

Two types of parts are included in the Content Center library: standard parts and custom parts. Standard parts (fasteners, shaft parts) have all part parameters defined as exact values in the table of parameters. Custom parts (steel shapes, rivets) have a parameter set arbitrarily within the defined range of values.

Part family in Content Center library

The basic component in a Content Center library is a family (part family or feature family). A family contains family members that have the same template and family properties, and represent size variations of a part or feature.

Families are arranged in categories and subcategories. A category is a logical grouping of part types. For example, studs and hex head bolts are functionally related and are nested under the Bolts category. A category can contain subcategories and families.

Work with Content Center library parts

Use the Content Center environment to work with Content Center library parts in the design process.
  • Open and view a part family, and choose the family member.
  • Insert a part from Content Center library into an assembly file.
  • Insert a feature from Content Center library in a part.
  • Use AutoDrop to place a part interactively from a Content Center library into an assembly file.
  • Change the size of a placed Content Center library part.
  • Replace an existing (also non-Content Center) part with a part from the Content Center library.