Check out the enhancements for the Assembly modeling environment.
Save and Replace All instances of a component has been brought from an option into a tool accessible from the
Productivity panel.
For more information see Save and Replace All.
When you create holes with the thread feature, thread isn't always from the hole start to the hole end. That leads to interferences in the design. Now, you have an option to exclude extended thread depth analysis. Uncheck the newly added "Use precise thread analysis" box in the Interference Analysis dialog.
For more information see To Analyze Interference Among Components.
You now have the option to suppress link between a base component and the simplified part. The new "Break link" option is added to Advanced options in the Simplify dialog.
Also, when creating derived parts or assemblies you can decide to suppress or break link between the base component and the derived part or assembly using the new check boxes.
For more information see Create a Simplified Part from an Assembly, To Create a Derived Part or Assembly, and Make Part Reference.
Editing iProperty information for imported models is now easier - you can override standard and custom iProperties for referenced AnyCAD files directly in the BOM.